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Idea to Encourage People to buy VIP


New member
Would be a good idea for both 321 and bdsmchat.co.

Every 4 days, non-VIP accounts get to have colored text for 24 hours.

Allowing non-VIP users temporary colored text will make them think "Nooo! I want my colored text back!" and then they'll be more encouraged to buy VIP.

I also think chat color brightens up rooms and makes them feel more nice-looking. It's nice to see colorful text when you enter a room, so this also helps with that aspect.

This idea would work on some people and if it works on some then it's up to you if it's worth it. It won't convert loads of people to VIP but it will get some and that's money at the end of the day.
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Staff member
We have open some VIP features to users temporarily as a type of reward or way to enjoy the chat a little more for a few days but reverting such changes can often be a challenge, unfortunately.


New member
I'm putting this here for if you ever feel like investing development into it.

new Date().getDay() always has Saturday represented as 6. I imagine it works like so:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
and instead of counting to 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, they programmed it so it repeats after 7.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
and that's how it can always use 6 to determine when it's Saturday.

I asked chatGPT to write a portion of code in HTML/Javascript/SQL which checks if it's Saturday. If it is, trigger an event, then reverse the event when it's not. These examples might help you figure out a way to implement this feature on the website.

When Saturday is the day, users have access to the tool which allows them to change their text-color.

When Saturday is not the day, non-vip users do not have access to the tool (and set text-color to black).
Javascript without booleon:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Saturday Event</title>
function checkSaturday() {
var today = new Date();
if (today.getDay() == 6) {
document.getElementById("event").innerHTML = "It's Saturday!"; //trigger event.
} else {
document.getElementById("event").innerHTML = "It's not Saturday."; //reverse event.
<body onload="checkSaturday()">
<div id="event"></div>
Javascript with booleon:

<!DOCTYPE html>
function setBoolean() {
var myBoolean = true;
if (new Date().getDay() === 6) {
localStorage.setItem('myBoolean', !myBoolean);
} else {
localStorage.setItem('myBoolean', myBoolean);
<body onload="setBoolean()"> //call the function on page load.


CREATE TABLE saturday_check (

INSERT INTO saturday_check (id) VALUES (1);

CREATE PROCEDURE check_saturday()
DECLARE current_day INT;
SET current_day = DAYOFWEEK(NOW()); -- Returns 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc.

IF current_day = 7 THEN -- 7 represents Saturday
UPDATE saturday_check SET is_saturday = TRUE WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE saturday_check SET is_saturday = FALSE WHERE id = 1;

CALL check_saturday(); -- Call the procedure once to initialize the value of is_saturday

CREATE EVENT check_saturday_event
DO CALL check_saturday(); -- Call the procedure every week to update is_saturday

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